This is the third post in a series about using the world’s tools to produce fruit.
OK – what on earth is a locator service. In internet terms it is a mapping website. I like Google Maps, some people like Map Quest – both work. If I want to get directions, or figure out where something is, I go to a locator service. I also use them for location sensitive searches. When I am at home, and I want to find a new asian takeout restaurant, I look at google maps, find my address and click the “search nearby” link. I type in asian restaurant, and it maps out my choices based on proximity to my address.
Why wouldn’t someone looking for church, or kids programs or preschool do exactly the same thing? No reason – they would. Best part is, they can do it from their phone, their laptop, anything.
You can get google or mapquest to link to your church website from the search. You can have your congregation put in reviews. It is a different way for someone to find you.
Make sure that this listing gets them to somewhere where you can tell your story.