Brochure Website

This is the fourth post in a series about using the world’s tools.

I expect that in 2011, most churches already have a brochure website. So I don’t necessarily think it would be valuable to talk about the value of building one. But I do want to talk about some ideas that can make a brochure website more valuable.

What is a “brochure” website? A brochure is a piece of marketing literature that describes the goods or services you provide in terms of the value proposition to the recipient or consumer. A brochure website is basically the same thing, only on the internet. If you have a “new” attendee packet that you physically hand out to people when they attend your ministry for the first time, it would probably have the same comment. Continue reading “Brochure Website”

Locator Services are Smart

This is the third post in a series about using the world’s tools to produce fruit.

OK – what on earth is a locator service. In internet terms it is a mapping website. I like Google Maps, some people like Map Quest – both work. If I want to get directions, or figure out where something is, I go to a locator service. I also use them for location sensitive searches. When I am at home, and I want to find a new asian takeout restaurant, I look at google maps, find my address and click the “search nearby” link. I type in asian restaurant, and it maps out my choices based on proximity to my address.

Why wouldn’t someone looking for church, or kids programs or preschool do exactly the same thing? No reason – they would. Best part is, they can do it from their phone, their laptop, anything.

You can get google or mapquest to link to your church website from the search. You can have your congregation put in reviews. It is a different way for someone to find you.

Make sure that this listing gets them to somewhere where you can tell your story.

Social Media is Cool

Using social media to reach your community is a great strategy for reaching young people. At this point, I would suggest that virtually every ministry participant under 30 uses Facebook, under 25 uses Youtube, and probably 50% up through age 55 are occasional users of these technologies.

Do this experiment at your next meeting: Ask for a show of hands of Facebook users – who has ever used facebook, monthly, weekly, daily. If you are not already a facebook user yourself, you will be surprised at the way this particular technology has become pervasive. Continue reading “Social Media is Cool”

Agents of Change

In earlier posts, I have been advocating measuring ministry results in terms of fruit, and making adjustments (pruning) or outright replacing (cut down and thrown into the fire) ministry programs that are not productive. Those of you who have been involved in ministry leadership for very long, know how hard this is to do. It requires leadership. Not the kind of leadership as a shepherd expresses (feeding and protecting the sheep), but the kind of leadership that a Joshua or a Nehemiah or a young David provides. These men are generals, warriors, and builders.

The fact is, most pastors are more prophet and rabbi than they are general or builder. They are trained to produce fruit in a stable environment. But change requires a different kind of leadership. If you are leading something and it needs to change, but you cannot figure out how to change it, then you need to find the Joshua, the David, or the Nehemiah within your ministry who can lead that change.

Most likely this person will be a but rough, sometimes dissatisfied, he might be frightening to you – with his I can do all things attitude. He may be a vocational leader, an entrepreneur, an analyst, a project manager or some similar vocation. If he is true to form, he will be willing to fail, miserably. He will take risks.

Agents of change – that is what you need. Look for them. Like every other resource you need to produce fruit – they are there, provided by God as you need them.

If you feel that they will be a "bull in the china shop", maybe you need to stop worrying about the darned china. Maybe it is that attitude that has caused your fruit production to dwindle in the first place. A true agent of change will definitely shake things up, ruffle some feathers. But you, shepherd, get to calm the sheep, to smooth things over. Meanwhile the bull will have already implemented the change that you envisioned, and fruit production will be on the way up.

Here are some signs of agents of change:

1) They like action plans (or just plan action)
2) They like goals and targets
3) They like to solve problems
4) They are not afraid of difficulties or obstacles
5) They are not very patient
6) They are steerable ( but not stoppable )
7) They love constraints – this makes problem solving more challenging.

Some will plan the battle, some will lead the charge, still others will build the engines of war, none of them will run from conflict.

Find your agents. Give them problems to solve, challenges to overcome, let them go and to God be the glory…

Ministry Branding

I was thinking about how many churches try to distinguish themselves from other local churches. There is often a sense of pride in membership in a specific church, and a feeling among members that their church is somehow better than other local churches. This feeling, is more like a tribalism, a sense of community that forms within the local church, instead of the church universal.

In modern marketing, both branding and tribalism are tools that marketers use to increase or maintain one company's or product's share of the market. The market has a competition around a fixed resource (our money), and they try to measure a brand's "share" of that market. But the church isn't in the business of marketing, and it does not try to increase its share (at the expense of other churches), does it?

So why would a local church spend any energy on branding? Why would a local church spend time on distinguishing itself from other local churches. Let me say one thing first:

The only valid brand of the church is Jesus Christ.

If you are distinguishing yourself from someone else, you are talking about Jesus and something. Jesus and Theology. Jesus and Experience. Jesus and Seeker Sensitive. Jesus and Prosperity. Jesus and Righteousness. Jesus and Tolerance. Jesus and Social Justice. Jesus and a Great Show. Jesus and Come as You Are. Jesus and Sound Doctrine. Jesus and Great Teaching. I suppose if you are an apostate or heretical community, you could be taking things away from Jesus, like the LDS church (Jesus without Grace) or the Jehovah's Witnesses (Jesus without True Deity). You could be softening the message like some churches – Jesus without all the hang-ups.

The problem with branding as it applies to ministry is that in order to produce fruit, we should not be marketing ourselves, our programs, or our local religious flavor. We should be marketing Jesus Christ, period. The great commission is not "Go, therefore, and get market share among the religions of the world!"

Our goal is not to distinguish ourselves from other churches, but to penetrate hardened hearts with the gospel message. I have been to churches where the church brand is promoted, like a tribal badge. The We spoken of is the we of the local assembly, not the we of the church universal. Look what we did, look how well we are doing. I have seen what that tribalism does in the extreme, and it becomes a form of spiritual pride and the church can devolve into cliquishness and fail to receive new members, especially new leaders.

Our boasting should be in the work of Jesus Christ, and our humble gratitude expressed when He deems it appropriate to use us as tools to accomplish His purpose. Not in any aspect of our ministry or local assembly.

Does this go back to the reformation? Martin Luther and the other bishops, monks and priests who reacted to the doctrinal issues in the catholic church, or earlier? I think earlier… Paul vs. Apollos… I think that human nature creates parties, clans, divisions. It is all about pride. Pride is the enemy of unity. Unity requires humility. True unity requires all to be humble. So take a look at your branding strategy. Look at where your pride is evident. Look at what you are saying about yourselves. What are you adding to Jesus? What are you taking away? Really? So in the end, what you are distinguishing yourselves from is… Jesus Christ, the Brand.

Rotting Fruit

What happens when fruit begins to rot? It smells very sweet, then after awhile it smells foul. How can we avoid letting the fruit of our ministry rot?

There are a number of things that will cause the fruit of our ministry to rot, mostly it is when it is not used.

If our fruit is to produce disciples, and the disciples we produce just sit there in the pew doing nothing, friut will rot.

The fruit we produce gets planted, forming the vines, plants or trees that grow the next crops of fruit.

OK here the farming analogy breaks down, but follow along anyway, this is important:

  • When a person accepts Christ, and becomes a new Christian believer, that is fruit. If that believer, never grows beyond their initial decision, following the path of discipleship, they quickly become rotten fruit. The attend church, they love to hear preaching, but the deep life transformation does not happen. When changes happen in church (change of pastors, change of location) they can easily become dissatisfied. They have friendships, but are not deeply bonded to one another, When these friendships fall apart, their connection to the body is easily severed. They fall away.
  • When a person accepts Christ, and follows the path toward discipleship but does not have many opportunities to use the spiritual gifts that God has provided in ministry, if his specific gifts are not appreciated or celebrated in the church where he worships, he can become dissatisfied, and disconnected. His seeds are not planted, When a God-Gifted teacher finds himself in a church where only a select few (elders?) are allowed to "teach"; When a God-Gifted evangelist, finds himself in a church that does not support evangelism ministries (leaving him on his own), or have meaningful follow up ministries to help new believers "plug in"; When someone with a talent for analysis and stewardship finds himself in a church that has no "plan" for the future; these believers will feel undervalued, unappreciated, and ultimately dissatisfied. They fall away.
  • When a disciple is a behind the scenes worker, perhaps with the gift of "helps", or "administration", and works themselves to burnout, because the church does not have a plan to identify these believers and band them together with leadership and organization to maximize and celebrate the impact of these gifts. Behind the scenes types don't often need or want to be celebrated individually, but most are encouraged when the ministry they are involved in are celebrated, recognized. When these ministry programs are shut down (lack of funding, lack of results, leadership transition), often these workers are devastated, because they are part of ministry communities that provide them deep friendships as well as opportunities to use spiritual gifts. When these are removed, they can feel disconnected, unappreciated, and undervalued. They fall away.
  • When a disciple is deeply connected to the body through staff, and less deeply connected to others in the community, staff transitions can cause them to feel disconnected. If the staff transitions are "troubled", the disciple can feel divided, and ostracized. If something is not done specifically to repair the connection, they fall away.

Rotting Out:

One symptom of rotting fruit is that it tends to separate itself from the church. Depending on the maturity of the believer, the disciple that was rotting, may or may not re-connect in a spiritually productive way. Immature believers may simply wander away to apostasy. More mature believers my struggle to find a new ministry to connect to so that they can become productive again.

Churches that have "a revolving door" need to consider their connection model. Who are disciples connected to, who are their mentors, who are they serving alongside, how are their gifts being used, and how are they appreciated and valued in the body. Careful analysis of reasons for separating can reveal real weaknesses in the body of Christ. Sometimes leadership in a church, can be offended by the notion that someone would want to separate, and blame the disciple who is separating, especially if they " wipe the dust from their feet" on the way out. Leaders need to treat those who choose to separate as "the weaker believer", and bless them on the way out. They also need to be open to accepting real feedback (even among words of blame, dissatisfaction, and frustration), so that they can assess whether there are real issues or weaknesses.

Church leaders need to be willing to accept or receive difficult feedback from rotting fruit believers, because ultimately, the rotting fruit are their spiritual responsibility. Church leaders need to be willing to recognize the need for change, to increase the fruit production of their ministry. When you have disciples that are not growing spiritually, not producing fruit, not deeply connected, they need to recognize that this is their responsibility. Problems with the sheep are the responsibility of the shepherds, when the shepherds are blaming the sheep, something is wrong.

Rotting in:
Another symptom of rotting fruit is that it tends toward inertia. The longer that a believer is allowed to stay in the same spiritual place, the harder it is for them to grow again. A church that does not challenge disciples or provide the means of accountability is likely to trend toward producing believers who are stagnant in their faith. A church that sets "the bar" too high, also can have the same result. Believers in these bodies may not be unhappy or dissatisfied, but they are not likely to be very productive. Happy to remain a spectator, or a support team member, but never growing to true maturity, nor able to study and reason through scripture for themselves.

Believers that are not established as disciples of Christ quickly after salvation develop unhealthy views, habits, and patterns of behavior. Correcting these is much more effort, and they can be much more devastating to the body, than the effort to develop a simple earnest discipleship process. Likewise believers who are saved out of relationships within apostate churches must be discipled very carefully, to ensure that they have accepted sound doctrine. The persistence of legacy belief systems, thought patterns and behaviors is much more difficult to undo after it has persisted past conversion.

Inertial believers tend to be chickens not pigs. This terminology is a play on words referring to making breakfast. Chickens produce eggs, so they are involved – pigs produce bacon or sausage so they are committed. If you were to evaluate every member of your church, and assess which were chickens and pigs what story would that tell.

The problems of rotting fruit are universal to all churches. I expect that every pastor and elder will recognize this. I am not describing anything that is new or revolutionary. By calling out rotting fruit, I am merely using some colorful language to describe what happens when we do not fulfill the great commission. Every assembly of believers is likely to have some of this, I am not suggesting otherwise. As church leaders, we need to take responsibility, not only for producing fruit, but also for the spiritual stewardship of the fruit that we are given.

Fruit of the Spirit

Galatians 5:22-23 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

So how does Fruit Producing Ministry produce this kind of fruit. This fruit is personal fruit. It is the fruit that results from helping people grow closer to God.
This is what I called Fruit is Spiritual Growth, in an earlier post What-is-Fruit.

How does our ministry produce the fruit called spiritual growth. The fruit of the Spirit. Galations 5 – talks about being free, and living in harmony with the spirit. It contrasts the actions of the flesh, and of those ruled by the flesh.

How do we structure our ministry to produce the Fruit of the Spirit? Well, the Spirit is the fruit producing agent, so what can we do to cultivate, measure and celebrate this fruit?


  • Teach the word. Living out the Word of God is part of the pattern that we are cultivating, but how can we live it if we don’t know it, and how can we know it if we are not taught. Not only is teaching a Sunday activity, but it should become a daily activity – that we become mature enough to learn from the word without human teachers.
  • Lead by example. If Living out the Word is what we want, we need live examples to follow, emulate, pattern ourselves after. We (as disciples) need to have live examples of spiritual maturity to “rub up against” to see that faith is real. This requires time – spending time getting close to people. Our elders and leaders need to be involved in discipling activities, where they are up close and personal with less mature believers, so that all can see, taste, smell, and feel what spiritual maturity is.
  • Develop accountability. You cannot grow closer to Christ, if you are focused on the things of the flesh. Yet the flesh is always there, and subtly invades our thought process. To “Take every thought captive” requires that we make ourselves accountable. Accountability works best between those who have a relationship at stake. If I am accountable to someone who I care about, who I love, and who loves me, then breaking the accountability destroys the relationship, and I have something important to lose – again, that means believers developing close relationships between more and less mature believers. This does not always happen without coercion. The cliquishness of some churches prevents new believers from forming deep discipling relationships with more mature believers. A systemic approach to building and maintaining these connections is often necessary to ensure accountability.


  • Individual Measurement: This measurement is personal, and helps each believer set goals and know when they are equipped for service. It helps them understand their gifts, strengths, and talents. It helps them understand their inadequacies, weaknesses, and struggles. It is not publicized, or shared, but is part of the accountability process.
  • Corporate Measurement: This measurement is public, what ratio of our body is involved in this process, and even involved in leadership roles in this process. It is about understanding the success or progress of our ministry as a whole, rather than the progress of individuals.


  • What we are celebrating: We are celebrating the growth and the developing maturity of the believer – but really, We are celebrating how many of our members or attenders are participating in the cultivating process.
  • Why we are celebrating: We are celebrating because it encourages those who are participating to stay the course, and it encourages those who have not yet tried the cultivation process to get involved. Celebration is an adertisement that makes people already in process feel good because they are commended for their participation, even if their progress is slow. Celebration is an advertisement that makes people not yet in process attracted to the cause, because they have a defined path to growth.

Alignment At Church

I read a post by Seth Godin, about “alignment”. Seth is a marketing geek, and so alignment to him is about customer and purveyor… or something, but what he said was interesting – because “it” works when there is alignment – between the expectations of the customer and purveyor.

Here is his post

So how does it work at church:

Fruit Producing Ministry alignment:

I want to produce fruit, and my church wants to equip me to produce fruit,
I am trying to figure it out, and my church wants to produce fruit.
I want to use my gifts and talents to glorify God, my church wants to produce fruit.

Legalistic: I want to do all the right things to get into heaven, my church wants to tell me what the right things are.

Prosperity Gospel: I want God to make me healthy, wealthy, and wise, my church tells me that God will make me healthy, wealthy and wise… if only…

Big Box Church: I want to see a spectacle, be uplifted, and feel good about being part of something bigger than myself, my church wants numbers to go up.

How does it not work at church:

I want my kids to learn about God, my church wants me to act like I believe in God.
I want to produce fruit, my church wants me to be a bible scholar.
I want to grow in my relationship with God, my church wants numbers to go up.

How is your alignment with your church?

Using the World’s Tools

We live in a time when technology is evolving very rapidly. Especially communication media are rapidly evolving. While communication media are certainly the tools of the “world system”, there is no reason that the church cannot and should not use these tools to “reach the world”. In fact, the world will recognize the church as “relevant” when it uses the current media to reach them.

If I look at the new testament, I see that in Paul’s missionary journeys he took advantage of local institutions to connect with people. In communities with a synagogue he started there, in other communities he used the public square.

What are the current media that we can take advantage of? Newspaper, radio, television are obvious, but also expensive. To advertise on these media costs thousands of dollars and have a very short life. The internet offers many, many opportunities for reaching our community, and beyond for extremely low cost. If we can get some savvy around this new technology we can use it to draw people from our community using media that they are immersed in.

Here are some ideas that cost little or nothing:

1) Brochure website – create a website that tells anyone who can find it what they need to know about your ministry.
2) Interactive web portal – create an online community that allows your members to communicate with each other, and to invite others to join.
3) Locator services – use mapping services like Mapquest and Google Maps to help those doing location sensitive searches find you.
4) Social media – use existing web applications like Facebook and Youtube to get your content and message to those who aren’t particularly looking at churches.
5) Publish your own content – using websites like and Biblegateway, publish your own message audio, or teaching aids – give back to the community of believers as a whole.

Not only do these cost very little to implement, several of them can vary likely be accomplished without any real technical expertise beyond what you already have among your current resources.

Look for a series of posts providing guidance on each of these ideas….


Arguments Against Systems Thinking

Over the years, I have heard lots of arguments against systems thinking in church. Most of the time the argument is phrased “It’s not _________ to run the church like a business”. Over the years I have heard many words or phrases fill in that blank, but never “effective”, or “reasonable”, or “helpful”. What this tells me is that even though church leaders believe that something will help, they believe that for some reason God has prohibited them from doing that thing. This makes absolutely no sense to me. If you are not violating other biblical principles, or committing specific sins – why would God prohibit something that helps? I am sorry – that is just plain dumb.

Some reasonable objections exist so lets talk about them first:

  • “Its all about money” – many ministries have fallen into temptation around the misuse of financial resources. So running a church like a for profit sounds like a bad idea, but isn’t it all about what you do with the money? If the monies are spent on missions and outreach – and ministry programs, there is integrity, but it seems very un-churchy. Like bingo and raffles and bake sales – just do it the old fashioned way – tithes and offerings. More churches apply systems thinking to fundraising than any other aspect. This is especially true of building campaigns, so when it feels like the church spends more energy on fundraising than it does on producing fruit, something is definitely amiss.
  • “Its not very loving” – I think that at times, the policies of some churches do not reflect the love that believers are supposed to express toward one another. When policies are designed to make it easier for staff, or ministry leaders, but less friendly to those being ministered to, especially when the policies are administered with a particularly legalistic approach, this criticism rings true. Yet in order for the body to grow, there must me some organization and decisions must be made in a way that is fair and not partial to any person or group. Policies must be administered with enough lovingkindness to reflect both fairness and sensitivity.

Then there are the objections that just seem like excuses:

  • “it is unspiritual” – If we plan every aspect of our ministry, does that not diminish our faith in God? If we are emphasizing the plan, how can the Holy Spirit lead us? Why would anyone think that the Holy Spirit would not simply lead the planning process. Besides, every ministry plan changes, when the actual ministry starts and we learn what really works and what doesn’t. But the unspiritual objection is not a good excuse to “fly by the seat of your pants and hope for the best”.
  • “It is unscriptural” – In Systems Thinking In Ministry I already addressed this one, but let me hit this again, there are many examples from both new and old testaments about heroes of the faith who tackled difficult challenges by planning, and being good stewards of the resources God provided them.
  • “It diminishes our faith in God” – While this seems right on the surface, because an emphasis on human plans and human means can take our focus off of God, if I recall the analogy of the farmer, this also is not rational. The farmer must plan which crop to plant in what order, and how to cultivate and care for the crops to ensure a good harvest, but the elements of nature are all beyond his control – just like in our ministry. So what if the farmer simply threw up his hands said – “Well it is all up to God anyway, so why work so hard, why be intentional about my farming – just do a little here and there and see if God blesses it.”  Do you think that this farmer will reap the same harvest as the one who was diligent? So why would we expect our ministry to be any different? When God blesses our diligence and our Intentionality, we also recognize that He is the one who made the fruit. And that increases our faith, instead of diminishing it. When we measure and celebrate our harvest, we magnify the God of the harvest, and our faith in Him is magnified as well.

So in dealing with the criticisms that I have heard of systems thinking, what I want to say is this:


  • Our intentionality and diligence are neither unscriptural, unspiritual, nor do they diminish our faith.
  • We need to ensure that we are intentional about producing spiritual fruit and not earthly results.
  • We need to contemplate how our policies, procedures, and plans are felt by those who are helping in the ministry, and by those who are being ministered to.
  • The Great Commission must be tempered by the Great Commandments.

When we can do these things, the arguments against systems thinking in church are not so terribly relevant.