I read a post by Seth Godin, about “alignment”. Seth is a marketing geek, and so alignment to him is about customer and purveyor… or something, but what he said was interesting – because “it” works when there is alignment – between the expectations of the customer and purveyor.
So how does it work at church:
Fruit Producing Ministry alignment:
I want to produce fruit, and my church wants to equip me to produce fruit,
I am trying to figure it out, and my church wants to produce fruit.
I want to use my gifts and talents to glorify God, my church wants to produce fruit.
Legalistic: I want to do all the right things to get into heaven, my church wants to tell me what the right things are.
Prosperity Gospel: I want God to make me healthy, wealthy, and wise, my church tells me that God will make me healthy, wealthy and wise… if only…
Big Box Church: I want to see a spectacle, be uplifted, and feel good about being part of something bigger than myself, my church wants numbers to go up.
How does it not work at church:
I want my kids to learn about God, my church wants me to act like I believe in God.
I want to produce fruit, my church wants me to be a bible scholar.
I want to grow in my relationship with God, my church wants numbers to go up.
How is your alignment with your church?